/* * HS Mega Menu - jQuery Plugin * @version: 1.0.0 (Sun, 26 Feb 2017) * @requires: jQuery v1.6 or later * @author: HtmlStream * @event-namespace: .HSMegaMenu * @browser-support: IE9+ * @license: * * Copyright 2017 HtmlStream * */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; /** * Creates a mega menu. * * @constructor * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} element - The element to create the mega menu for. * @param {Object} options - The options */ var MegaMenu = window.MegaMenu || {}; MegaMenu = (function () { var isMenuOpened = false; function MegaMenu(element, options) { var self = this; /** * Current element. * * @public */ this.$element = $(element); /** * Current options set by the caller including defaults. * * @public */ this.options = $.extend(true, {}, MegaMenu.defaults, options); /** * Collection of menu elements. * * @private */ this._items = $(); Object.defineProperties(this, { /** * Contains composed selector of menu items. * * @public */ itemsSelector: { get: function () { return self.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ',' + self.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu; } }, /** * Contains chain of active items. * * @private */ _tempChain: { value: null, writable: true }, /** * Contains current behavior state. * * @public */ state: { value: null, writable: true } }); this.initialize(); } return MegaMenu; }()); /** * Default options of the mega menu. * * @public */ MegaMenu.defaults = { event: 'hover', direction: 'horizontal', breakpoint: 991, animationIn: false, animationOut: false, rtl: false, hideTimeOut: 300, // For 'vertical' direction only sideBarRatio: 1 / 4, pageContainer: $('body'), classMap: { initialized: '.hs-menu-initialized', mobileState: '.hs-mobile-state', subMenu: '.hs-sub-menu', hasSubMenu: '.hs-has-sub-menu', hasSubMenuActive: '.hs-sub-menu-opened', megaMenu: '.hs-mega-menu', hasMegaMenu: '.hs-has-mega-menu', hasMegaMenuActive: '.hs-mega-menu-opened' }, mobileSpeed: 400, mobileEasing: 'linear', beforeOpen: function () {}, beforeClose: function () {}, afterOpen: function () {}, afterClose: function () {} }; /** * Initialization of the plugin. * * @protected */ MegaMenu.prototype.initialize = function () { var self = this, $w = $(window); if (this.options.rtl) this.$element.addClass('hs-rtl'); this.$element .addClass(this.options.classMap.initialized.slice(1)) .addClass('hs-menu-' + this.options.direction); // Independent events $w.on('resize.HSMegaMenu', function (e) { if (self.resizeTimeOutId) clearTimeout(self.resizeTimeOutId); self.resizeTimeOutId = setTimeout(function () { if (window.innerWidth <= self.options.breakpoint && self.state == 'desktop') self.initMobileBehavior(); else if (window.innerWidth > self.options.breakpoint && self.state == 'mobile') self.initDesktopBehavior(); self.refresh(); }, 50); }); $(document).on('click.HSMegaMenu touchstart.HSMegaMenu', 'body', function (e) { var $parents = $(e.target).parents(self.itemsSelector); self.closeAll($parents.add($(e.target))); }); $w.on('keyup.HSMegaMenu', function (e) { if (e.keyCode && e.keyCode === 27) { self.closeAll(); isMenuOpened = false; } }); if (window.innerWidth <= this.options.breakpoint) this.initMobileBehavior(); else if (window.innerWidth > this.options.breakpoint) this.initDesktopBehavior(); this.smartPositions(); return this; }; MegaMenu.prototype.smartPositions = function () { var self = this, $submenus = this.$element.find(this.options.classMap.subMenu); $submenus.each(function (i, el) { MenuItem.smartPosition($(el), self.options); }); }; /** * Binding events to menu elements. * * @protected */ MegaMenu.prototype.bindEvents = function () { var self = this, selector; // Hover case if (this.options.event === 'hover' && !_isTouch()) { this.$element .on( 'mouseenter.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ':not([data-event="click"]),' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ':not([data-event="click"])', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $chain = $this.parents(self.itemsSelector); // Lazy initialization if (!$this.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($this, self.getType($this)); } $chain = $chain.add($this); self.closeAll($chain); $chain.each(function (i, el) { var HSMenuItem = $(el).data('HSMenuItem'); if (HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId) clearTimeout(HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId); HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); }); self._items = self._items.not($chain); self._tempChain = $chain; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ) .on( 'mouseleave.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ':not([data-event="click"]),' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ':not([data-event="click"])', function (e) { var $this = $(this), HSMenuItem = $this.data('HSMenuItem'), $chain = $(e.relatedTarget).parents(self.itemsSelector); HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId = setTimeout(function () { self.closeAll($chain); }, self.options.hideTimeOut); self._items = self._items.add(self._tempChain); self._tempChain = null; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ) .on( 'click.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + '[data-event="click"] > a, ' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + '[data-event="click"] > a', function (e) { var $this = $(this).parent('[data-event="click"]'), HSMenuItem; // Lazy initialization if (!$this.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($this, self.getType($this)); } self.closeAll($this.add( $this.parents(self.itemsSelector) )); HSMenuItem = $this .data('HSMenuItem'); if (HSMenuItem.isOpened) { HSMenuItem.desktopHide(); } else { HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ); } // Click case else { this.$element .on( 'click.HSMegaMenu', (_isTouch() ? this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ' > a, ' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ' > a' : this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ':not([data-event="hover"]) > a,' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ':not([data-event="hover"]) > a'), function (e) { var $this = $(this).parent(), HSMenuItem, $parents = $this.parents(self.itemsSelector); // Lazy initialization if (!$this.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($this, self.getType($this)); } self.closeAll($this.add( $this.parents(self.itemsSelector) )); HSMenuItem = $this .addClass('hs-event-prevented') .data('HSMenuItem'); if (HSMenuItem.isOpened) { HSMenuItem.desktopHide(); } else { HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ); if (!_isTouch()) { this.$element .on( 'mouseenter.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + '[data-event="hover"],' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + '[data-event="hover"]', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $parents = $this.parents(self.itemsSelector); // Lazy initialization if (!$this.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($this, self.getType($this)); } self.closeAll($this.add($parents)); $parents.add($this).each(function (i, el) { var HSMenuItem = $(el).data('HSMenuItem'); if (HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId) clearTimeout(HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId); HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ) .on( 'mouseleave.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + '[data-event="hover"],' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + '[data-event="hover"]', function (e) { var $this = $(this), HSMenuItem = $this.data('HSMenuItem'); HSMenuItem.hideTimeOutId = setTimeout(function () { self.closeAll( $(e.relatedTarget).parents(self.itemsSelector) ); }, self.options.hideTimeOut); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } ) } } this.$element.on('keydown.HSMegaMenu', this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ' > a,' + this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ' > a', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parent(), HSMenuItem; // Lazy initialization if (!$parent.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($parent, self.getType($parent)); } HSMenuItem = $parent.data('HSMenuItem'); if ($this.is(':focus')) { if (e.keyCode && e.keyCode === 40) { e.preventDefault(); HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); isMenuOpened = true; } if (e.keyCode && e.keyCode === 13) { if (isMenuOpened === true) { HSMenuItem.desktopHide(); isMenuOpened = false; } else { HSMenuItem.desktopShow(); isMenuOpened = true; } } } $this.on('focusout', function () { isMenuOpened = false; }); HSMenuItem.menu.find('a').on('focusout', function () { setTimeout(function () { if (!HSMenuItem.menu.find('a').is(':focus')) { HSMenuItem.desktopHide(); isMenuOpened = false; } }); }); }) }; /** * Initialization of certain menu item. * * @protected */ MegaMenu.prototype.initMenuItem = function (element, type) { var self = this, Item = new MenuItem( element, element.children( self.options.classMap[type === 'mega-menu' ? 'megaMenu' : 'subMenu'] ), $.extend(true, {type: type}, self.options, element.data()), self.$element ); element.data('HSMenuItem', Item); this._items = this._items.add(element); }; /** * Destroys of desktop behavior, then makes initialization of mobile behavior. * * @protected */ MegaMenu.prototype.initMobileBehavior = function () { var self = this; this.state = 'mobile'; this.$element .off('.HSMegaMenu') .addClass(this.options.classMap.mobileState.slice(1)) .on('click.HSMegaMenu', self.options.classMap.hasSubMenu + ' > a, ' + self.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu + ' > a', function (e) { var $this = $(this).parent(), MenuItemInstance; // Lazy initialization if (!$this.data('HSMenuItem')) { self.initMenuItem($this, self.getType($this)); } self.closeAll($this.parents(self.itemsSelector).add($this)); MenuItemInstance = $this .data('HSMenuItem'); if (MenuItemInstance.isOpened) { MenuItemInstance.mobileHide(); } else { MenuItemInstance.mobileShow(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }) .find(this.itemsSelector) .not( this.options.classMap.hasSubMenuActive + ',' + this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenuActive ) .children( this.options.classMap.subMenu + ',' + this.options.classMap.megaMenu ) .hide(); }; /** * Destroys of mobile behavior, then makes initialization of desktop behavior. * * @protected */ MegaMenu.prototype.initDesktopBehavior = function () { this.state = 'desktop'; this.$element .removeClass(this.options.classMap.mobileState.slice(1)) .off('.HSMegaMenu') .find(this.itemsSelector) .not( this.options.classMap.hasSubMenuActive + ',' + this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenuActive ) .children( this.options.classMap.subMenu + ',' + this.options.classMap.megaMenu ) .hide(); this.bindEvents(); }; /** * Hides all of opened submenus/megamenus. * * @param {jQuery} except - collection of elements, which shouldn't be closed. * @return {jQuery} * @public */ MegaMenu.prototype.closeAll = function (except) { var self = this; return this._items.not(except && except.length ? except : $()).each(function (i, el) { $(el) .removeClass('hs-event-prevented') .data('HSMenuItem')[self.state === 'mobile' ? 'mobileHide' : 'desktopHide'](); }); }; /** * Returns type of sub menu based on specified menu item. * * @param {jQuery} item * @return {String|null} * @public */ MegaMenu.prototype.getType = function (item) { if (!item || !item.length) return null; return item.hasClass(this.options.classMap.hasSubMenu.slice(1)) ? 'sub-menu' : (item.hasClass(this.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu.slice(1)) ? 'mega-menu' : null); }; /** * Returns current menu state. * * @return {String} * @public */ MegaMenu.prototype.getState = function () { return this.state; }; /** * Updates bounds of all menu items. * * @return {jQuery} * @public */ MegaMenu.prototype.refresh = function () { return this._items.add(this._tempChain).each(function (i, el) { $(el).data('HSMenuItem')._updateMenuBounds(); }); }; /** * Creates a mega-menu element. * * @param {jQuery} element * @param {jQuery} menu * @param {Object} options * @param {jQuery} container * @constructor */ function MenuItem(element, menu, options, container) { var self = this; /** * Current menu item element. * * @public */ this.$element = element; /** * Current mega menu element. * * @public */ this.menu = menu; /** * Item options. * * @public */ this.options = options; /** * MegaMenu container. * * @public */ this.$container = container; Object.defineProperties(this, { /** * Contains css class of menu item element. * * @public */ itemClass: { get: function () { return self.options.type === 'mega-menu' ? self.options.classMap.hasMegaMenu : self.options.classMap.hasSubMenu; } }, /** * Contains css active-class of menu item element. * * @public */ activeItemClass: { get: function () { return self.options.type === 'mega-menu' ? self.options.classMap.hasMegaMenuActive : self.options.classMap.hasSubMenuActive; } }, /** * Contains css class of menu element. * * @public */ menuClass: { get: function () { return self.options.type === 'mega-menu' ? self.options.classMap.megaMenu : self.options.classMap.subMenu; } }, isOpened: { get: function () { return this.$element.hasClass(this.activeItemClass.slice(1)); } } }); this.menu.addClass('animated').on('click.HSMegaMenu', function (e) { self._updateMenuBounds(); }); if (this.$element.data('max-width')) this.menu.css('max-width', this.$element.data('max-width')); if (this.$element.data('position')) this.menu.addClass('hs-position-' + this.$element.data('position')); if (this.options.animationOut) { this.menu.on('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function (e) { if (self.menu.hasClass(self.options.animationOut)) { self.$element.removeClass(self.activeItemClass.slice(1)); self.options.afterClose.call(self, self.$element, self.menu); } if (self.menu.hasClass(self.options.animationIn)) { self.options.afterOpen.call(self, self.$element, self.menu); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); } } /** * Shows the mega-menu item. * * @public * @return {MenuItem} */ MenuItem.prototype.desktopShow = function () { if (!this.menu.length) return this; this.$element.addClass(this.activeItemClass.slice(1)); this._updateMenuBounds(); this.menu.show(); if (this.options.direction == 'horizontal') this.smartPosition(this.menu, this.options); if (this.options.animationOut) { this.menu.removeClass(this.options.animationOut); } else { this.options.afterOpen.call(this, this.$element, this.menu); } if (this.options.animationIn) { this.menu.addClass(this.options.animationIn) } return this; } /** * Hides the mega-menu item. * * @public * @return {MenuItem} */ MenuItem.prototype.desktopHide = function () { var self = this; if (!this.menu.length) return this; this.$element.removeClass(this.activeItemClass.slice(1)); this.menu.hide(); if (this.options.animationIn) { this.menu.removeClass(this.options.animationIn); } if (this.options.animationOut) { this.menu.addClass(this.options.animationOut); } else { this.options.afterClose.call(this, this.$element, this.menu); } return this; } /** * Shows the mega-menu item. * * @public * @return {MenuItem} */ MenuItem.prototype.mobileShow = function () { var self = this; if (!this.menu.length) return this; this.menu .removeClass(this.options.animationIn) .removeClass(this.options.animationOut) .stop() .slideDown({ duration: self.options.mobileSpeed, easing: self.options.mobileEasing, complete: function () { self.options.afterOpen.call(self, self.$element, self.menu); } }); this.$element.addClass(this.activeItemClass.slice(1)); return this; }; /** * Hides the mega-menu item. * * @public * @return {MenuItem} */ MenuItem.prototype.mobileHide = function () { var self = this; if (!this.menu.length) return this; this.menu.stop().slideUp({ duration: self.options.mobileSpeed, easing: self.options.mobileEasing, complete: function () { self.options.afterClose.call(self, self.$element, self.menu); } }); this.$element.removeClass(this.activeItemClass.slice(1)); return this; }; /** * Check, if element is in viewport. * * @param {jQuery} element * @param {Object} options * @public */ MenuItem.prototype.smartPosition = function (element, options) { MenuItem.smartPosition(element, options); }; /** * Check, if element is in viewport. * * @param {jQuery} element * @param {Object} options * @static * @public */ MenuItem.smartPosition = function (element, options) { if (!element && !element.length) return; var $w = $(window); element.removeClass('hs-reversed'); if (!options.rtl) { if (element.offset().left + element.outerWidth() > window.innerWidth) { element.addClass('hs-reversed'); } } else { if (element.offset().left < 0) { element.addClass('hs-reversed'); } } }; /** * Updates bounds of current opened menu. * * @private */ MenuItem.prototype._updateMenuBounds = function () { var width = 'auto'; if (this.options.direction == 'vertical' && this.options.type == 'mega-menu') { if (this.$container && this.$container.data('HSMegaMenu').getState() == 'desktop') { if (!this.options.pageContainer.length) this.options.pageContainer = $('body'); width = this.options.pageContainer.outerWidth() * (1 - this.options.sideBarRatio); } else { width = 'auto'; } this.menu.css({ 'width': width, 'height': 'auto' }); if (this.menu.outerHeight() > this.$container.outerHeight()) { return; } this.menu.css('height', '100%'); } }; /** * The jQuery plugin for the MegaMenu. * * @public */ $.fn.HSMegaMenu = function () { var _ = this, opt = arguments[0], args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), l = _.length, i, ret; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (typeof opt == 'object' || typeof opt == 'undefined') _[i].MegaMenu = new MegaMenu(_[i], opt); else ret = _[i].MegaMenu[opt].apply(_[i].MegaMenu, args); if (typeof ret != 'undefined') return ret; } return _; }; /** * Helper function for detect touch events in the environment. * * @return {Boolean} * @private */ function _isTouch() { return ('ontouchstart' in window); } })(jQuery);