/** * Sticky blocks wrapper. * * @author Htmlstream * @version 1.0 * @requires * */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; $.HSCore.components.HSStickyBlock = { /** * * * @var Object _baseConfig */ _baseConfig: {}, /** * * * @var jQuery pageCollection */ pageCollection: $(), /** * Initialization of Sticky blocks wrapper. * * @param String selector (optional) * @param Object config (optional) * * @return jQuery pageCollection - collection of initialized items. */ init: function (selector, config) { this.collection = selector && $(selector).length ? $(selector) : $(); if (!$(selector).length) return; this.config = config && $.isPlainObject(config) ? $.extend({}, this._baseConfig, config) : this._baseConfig; this.config.itemSelector = selector; this.initStickyBlock(); return this.pageCollection; }, initStickyBlock: function () { //Variables var $self = this, config = $self.config, collection = $self.pageCollection, windW = $(window).width(); this.collection.each(function (i, el) { //Variables var $stickyBlock = $(el), isResponsive = Boolean($stickyBlock.data('responsive')), stickyBlockClasses = $stickyBlock.attr('class').replace($self.config.itemSelector.substring(1), ''), stickyBlockH = $stickyBlock.outerHeight(), stickyBlockW = $stickyBlock.outerWidth(), stickyBlockParentW = $stickyBlock.parent().width(), stickyBlockOffsetTop = $stickyBlock.offset().top, stickyBlockOffsetLeft = $stickyBlock.offset().left, startPoint = $.isNumeric($stickyBlock.data('start-point')) ? $stickyBlock.data('start-point') : $($stickyBlock.data('start-point')).offset().top, endPoint = $.isNumeric($stickyBlock.data('end-point')) ? $stickyBlock.data('end-point') : $($stickyBlock.data('end-point')).offset().top, hasStickyHeader = $stickyBlock.data('has-sticky-header'); //Break function if there are no target element if (!$stickyBlock.length) return; if (stickyBlockH > (endPoint - startPoint)) return; $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--sm') && windW <= 576) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--md') && windW <= 768) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--lg') && windW <= 992) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--xl') && windW <= 1200) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else { $stickyBlock.removeClass('die-sticky'); } $(window).on('resize', function () { var windW = $(window).width(); if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--sm') && windW <= 576) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--md') && windW <= 768) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--lg') && windW <= 992) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else if ($stickyBlock.hasClass('g-sticky-block--xl') && windW <= 1200) { $stickyBlock.addClass('die-sticky'); $self.resolutionCheck($stickyBlock); } else { $stickyBlock .removeClass('die-sticky') .css({ 'top': '', 'left': '' }); } if (isResponsive == true) { setTimeout(function () { var offsetTop = $(this).scrollTop(), headerH = $('header').outerHeight(); stickyBlockH = $stickyBlock.outerHeight(), stickyBlockParentW = $stickyBlock.parent().width(), stickyBlockOffsetTop = $stickyBlock.parent().offset().top, stickyBlockOffsetLeft = $stickyBlock.parent().offset().left + parseInt($stickyBlock.parent().css('padding-left')), startPoint = $.isNumeric($stickyBlock.data('start-point')) ? $stickyBlock.data('start-point') : $($stickyBlock.data('start-point')).offset().top, endPoint = $.isNumeric($stickyBlock.data('end-point')) ? $stickyBlock.data('end-point') : $($stickyBlock.data('end-point')).offset().top; if (hasStickyHeader === true) { $stickyBlock .not('.die-sticky') .css({ 'top': offsetTop + headerH >= (endPoint - stickyBlockH) ? endPoint - stickyBlockH - stickyBlockOffsetTop : headerH, 'left': stickyBlockOffsetLeft, 'width': stickyBlockParentW }); // if (offsetTop + headerH <= (endPoint - stickyBlockH)) { // $stickyBlock // .not('.die-sticky') // .addClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset'); // } } else { $stickyBlock .not('.die-sticky') .css({ 'top': offsetTop >= (endPoint - stickyBlockH) ? endPoint - stickyBlockH - stickyBlockOffsetTop : 0, 'left': stickyBlockOffsetLeft, 'width': stickyBlockParentW }); // if (offsetTop <= (endPoint - stickyBlockH)) { // $stickyBlock // .not('.die-sticky') // .addClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset'); // } } }, 400); } }); if (isResponsive == false) { //Add "shadow" element var offsetTop = $(this).scrollTop(); /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: target element height] * [4: target element width] * [5: target element index] * [6: target element classes (exclude init class)] * [7: start point] * [8: end point] */ $self.addShadow($stickyBlock, offsetTop, stickyBlockH, stickyBlockW, i, stickyBlockClasses, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); //Add sticky state /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: target element height] * [4: target element width] * [5: target offset left] * [6: start point] * [7: end point] */ $self.addSticky($stickyBlock, offsetTop, stickyBlockH, stickyBlockW, stickyBlockOffsetLeft, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); } else { //Add responsive sticky state var offsetTop = $(this).scrollTop(); /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: parent element height] * [4: parent element width] * [5: target offset left] * [6: start point] * [7: end point] */ $self.addSticky($stickyBlock, offsetTop, 'auto', stickyBlockParentW, stickyBlockOffsetLeft, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); } $(window).on('scroll', function () { var offsetTop = $(this).scrollTop(); if (isResponsive == false) { //Add "shadow" element /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: target element height] * [4: target element width] * [5: target element index] * [6: target element classes (exclude init class)] * [7: start point] * [8: end point] */ $self.addShadow($stickyBlock, offsetTop, stickyBlockH, stickyBlockW, i, stickyBlockClasses, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); //Add sticky state /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: target element height] * [4: target element width] * [5: target offset left] * [6: start point] * [7: end point] */ $self.addSticky($stickyBlock, offsetTop, stickyBlockH, stickyBlockW, stickyBlockOffsetLeft, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); } else { //Add responsive sticky state /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: parent element height] * [4: parent element width] * [5: target offset left] * [6: start point] * [7: end point] */ $self.addSticky($stickyBlock, offsetTop, 'auto', stickyBlockParentW, stickyBlockOffsetLeft, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); } //Remove sticky state /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: window offset top] * [3: start point] */ $self.removeSticky($stickyBlock, offsetTop, startPoint, hasStickyHeader); if (endPoint) { //Add absolute state /* Args: * [1: target element] * [2: target element height] * [3: target element index] * [4: target offset top] * [5: window offset top] * [6: end point] */ $self.addAbsolute($stickyBlock, stickyBlockH, i, stickyBlockOffsetTop, offsetTop, endPoint, hasStickyHeader); } }); $(window).trigger('scroll'); //Add object to collection collection = collection.add($stickyBlock); }); }, addSticky: function (target, offsetTop, targetH, targetW, offsetLeft, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader) { if (hasStickyHeader === true) { var headerH = $('header').outerHeight(); if (offsetTop + headerH >= startPoint && offsetTop + headerH < endPoint) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-rel') .css({ 'top': '', 'left': '', 'width': '', 'height': '' }) .addClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .css({ 'top': headerH, 'left': offsetLeft, 'width': targetW, 'height': targetH }); } } else { if (offsetTop >= startPoint && offsetTop < endPoint) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-rel') .css({ 'top': '', 'left': '', 'width': '', 'height': '' }) .addClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .css({ 'top': 0, 'left': offsetLeft, 'width': targetW, 'height': targetH }); } } }, removeSticky: function (target, offsetTop, startPoint, hasStickyHeader) { if (hasStickyHeader === true) { var headerH = $('header').outerHeight(); if (offsetTop + headerH <= startPoint) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .css({ 'left': '' }); } } else { if (offsetTop <= startPoint) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .css({ 'left': '' }); } } }, addAbsolute: function (target, targetH, targetI, targetOffsetTop, offsetTop, endPoint, hasStickyHeader) { if (target.hasClass('g-pos-rel')) return; if (hasStickyHeader === true) { var headerH = $('header').outerHeight(); if (offsetTop + headerH >= endPoint - targetH) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .addClass('g-pos-rel') .css({ 'top': endPoint - targetH - targetOffsetTop, 'left': '' }); } } else { if (offsetTop >= endPoint - targetH) { target .not('.die-sticky') .removeClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .addClass('g-pos-rel') .css({ 'top': endPoint - targetH - targetOffsetTop, 'left': '' }); } } }, addShadow: function (target, offsetTop, targetH, targetW, targetI, targetClasses, startPoint, endPoint, hasStickyHeader) { if (hasStickyHeader === true) { var headerH = $('header').outerHeight(); if (offsetTop + headerH > startPoint && offsetTop + headerH < (endPoint - targetH)) { if ($('#shadow' + targetI).length) return; //Add shadow block target .not('.die-sticky') .before('
'); } else { if (!$('#shadow' + targetI).length) return; //Remove shadow block $('#shadow' + targetI).remove(); } } else { if (offsetTop > startPoint && offsetTop < (endPoint - targetH)) { if ($('#shadow' + targetI).length) return; //Add shadow block target .not('.die-sticky') .before(''); } else { if (!$('#shadow' + targetI).length) return; //Remove shadow block $('#shadow' + targetI).remove(); } } }, resolutionCheck: function (target) { target .removeClass('g-pos-fix g-m-reset') .css({ 'top': '', 'left': '', 'width': '', 'height': '' }); } } })(jQuery);